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The only company in India which undertakes Dung based Big Size Biogas Plant above 500 cub. mt.
We Deal in construction of Big size Biogas Plant above 500 cub. mt, Duel Fuel, Diesel & 100% Biogas based power generation.
Dung is an unavoidable product at every farm. The volume does fluctuate by 1-3 % but most of the time it is constant.

Dung if proper mechanisms for its usage or Disposal is not done then it has the potential to affect the Dairy farm's environment. It Pollutes, as it releases Ch4 (Methane) that contributes fermentation and produce Mosquitoes, Flies and bad Odor.

Every Dairy requires a considerable amount of Energy (Electrical Power) for milking and other Activities like Fan, Coolers, A/c, washing and for Pumping water , Milk processing etc.

The Dung produced in the dairy farm can be put for to good use by subjecting the dung to fermentation in the Biogas plant & produce Gas after Processing the Gas, use it as a Fuel to the Prime mover of Electric Generation set. The fermentation of Dung in the Biogas plant will help in breaking the life cycle of animal's diseases by utilizing it in the digester which enables the farm to have better healthy conditions and contributes to Livestock Health Managements.

Generating Biogas from the Dung , Generate Electricity from Biogas and Producing organic Manure (Fertilizers) and Organic Pesticides from the Slurry which comes out from the biogas plant then by Driving Economic of Quality of Milk Production.